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How to track my items?

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How to track my items?

After sending out your package, ChinaOBD2  will mail you the package tracking No. and a related link for tracking your package anytime and anywhere, until the package successfully reach your door.

The examples below will tell you to track you order step by step:

1. If the item is delivered by DHL, and the track number is 8033846763.

Firstly, login
Secondly, input the item's track number 8033846763 (noted with red frame) in the text.
Finally, click the "track" button to check your item delivery.

2. If the item is delivered by UPS, and the track number is 920009789.

Firstly, login
Secondly, make sure to select your locaton, and then input the item's track number 920009789 (noted with red frame) in the text.
Finally, click the "track" button to check your item delivery.

3. If the item is delivered by EMS.

Firstly, login
Secondly, input the item track number in the text.
Finally, click the "track" button to check your item delivery.

Any problems, please feel free to contact us!
Email:  [email protected]